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Serdtse parmy / Сердце пармы
არ დაგავიწყდეს შეაფასე

Serdtse parmy / Сердце пармы

  • წელი: 2022
  • ქვეყანა: რუსეთი
  • ჟანრი: ფილმებიდრამაზღაპრული (ფენტეზი)ისტორიული
  • რეჟისორი: ანტონ მეგარდიჩევი
  • მსახიობები: ფიოდორ ბონდარჩუკი, სერგეი პუსკეპალისი, Elena Panova, ალექსეი როზინი, ვიტალი კიშენკო, Roza Khayrullina, ევგენი მირონოვი, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, ვილენ ბაბიჩევი, Ilya Malanin, Aleksandr Gorbatov, Nikita Belyakov, Elena Erbakova, Vladimir Lyubimtsev, Milena Sofronova
  • ფილმის სიუჟეტი

    The 15th century. Sent to remote Parma by the Grand Prince of Moscow, prince Yermolay tells his son Mikhail about his dream: to create a grand princedom that would unite the peoples inhabiting these lands. Soon Yermolay is killed in the battle against the rebellious local tribes, the Voguls. His heir Mikhail finds himself in the middle of two worlds - the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the ancient lands of Perm populated by pagans. Mikhail marries a local girl, Tiche, a half woman, a half lamia - a witch, a living incarnation of the main pagan symbol Golden Woman, Sorni Nai. The legend has it that whoever owns Sorni Nai, has the full control over Parma. A talented diplomate, Mikhail finds allies among the local khans. He is able to bring a fragile peace but the news about the increasingly powerful Permian Prince reaches Moscow. The Grand Prince Ivan III decides to overpower Mikhail and his allies. He intends to turn disparate Rus into a uniform and strong state, realizing that the peoples can't repel the endless invasions of the Russian lands on their own. Mikhail has a difficult choice to make: to accept the will of Moscow or to stick with the local rulers who had helped him more than once in the past and many of whom became his loyal friends. Mikhail decides to listen to his heart and not the reason and ultimately loses the battle against the Grand Prince of Moscow and with his friends and allies ends up in captivity. In the meantime, Tiche is kidnapped by Mikhail's bitter enemy Assyka who wants to regain his control over Parma, believing that Tiche the lamia is his and his alone.

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    Serdtse parmy / Сердце пармы