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Konets sveta / Конец света
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Konets sveta / Конец света

  • წელი: 2022
  • ქვეყანა: რუსეთი
  • ჟანრი: კომედიაზღაპრული (ფენტეზი)სერიალი
  • რეჟისორი: Aleksandr Nezlobin
  • მსახიობები: სერგეი სელინი, Daniil Vorobyov, ქსენია რაპორტი, იური კოლოკოლინიკოვი, Semyon Treskunov, ქსენია კუტეპოვა, Nikolay Shrayber, Aglaya Tarasova, Vladimir Kanuhin, Sergey Styopin, Vladislav Tsenev, Danil Smirnov, Svetlana Listova, Ekaterina Ilyina, Ekaterina Novokreshenova
  • ფილმის სიუჟეტი

    Our days. A brutal bloody murder is taking place in the center of Moscow, which cannot be explained in rational ways, the only true version is that Satan himself came to Earth. He came to arrange the Apocalypse. Satan goes to find his son - Antichrist, without whom the Apocalypse cannot begin. But the modern Antichrist - Demyan turns out to be a downtrodden loser who works in a small shop and hates his father for abandoning their family. Satan is trying to establish a relationship with his son). Demyan refuses to participate, he does not need cars, women and world supremacy, he does not look like his father. Demyan is a good person, he dreams of quiet family happiness with his girlfriend Galya. But everything collapses at the moment when Galya dies in a car accident. Demyan appeals to the almighty Father with a request to bring the bride back to life. Satan poses a difficult dilemma for his son: Galya will return if Demyan kills all of mankind. Doomsday is a mystical and satirical story about a real choice: personal happiness or public well-being. The choice that we all make in life to one degree or another.

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    Konets sveta / Конец света